Friday, August 27, 2010

River rock walkway installation

Almost 9 yards of river rock were ordered. The rocks were delivered curbside.

A weed control mesh was place beneath the rocks. The mesh has a 20 life.

Here is a view from the rear towards the front of the house.

Overall, my wife is pleased with the work. The rocks are a bit dusty right now; should look much better once we get some rain.

Pond excavation

Mother nature left us a large boulder in the middle of the pond excavation. The boulder was so huge and solid that we had to rent a jackhammer. Even with the jackhammer, it took a good eight hours to break it down into manageable boulders. The smaller boulders were used to embellish the hillside.

Brothers, Braulio and Aldo took turns on the jackhammer. The boulder was so solid that it had to be tackled in sections.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Japaneses Garden & Koi Pond construction update

Here is the walk way to the Japanese Garden. The irrigation and electrical pipes have been buried. Next the river rocks will be introduced and in a few weeks I will begin the fabrication of the stepping stones.

The potted trees will be planted this weekend. I am hopping for a free growing lush garden. I am not too crazy about the well-trimmed look.

Here you can see where more walking space is being created. The bottom tier is being removed. Footings will be added to reinforce the retaining wall.

They did a nice job of removing all the weeds and unwanted growth. Red apple ice plant will cover the entire slope in order to prevent erosion.

Here you can see that part of the pine tree root system has been cut back. I just hope it does not harm the tree. But after thinking about it, whenever a large tree is transplanted, part of the root system is severed. I am just hoping for the best... I will keep my fingers crossed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Japanese theme stepping stones designs

Below are a few Japanese theme designs are I am currently thinking of. I will perhaps only focus on 6-8 of the designs; otherwise, the stepping stones will look too busy. Blank stones will also be incorporated into the mix. Right now, I have 20 designs, not all have been posted here.

Once we have agreed on the designs, I will sculpt the designs using a low relief. Blocks of styrofoam will be used for the foundation.

Look and feel for the Japanese Garden and koi pond

This is the look and feel my wife is desiring for our Japanese Garden koi pond. New sliding glass doors and windows with the pictured design are currently being priced.

Japaneses Garden & Koi Pond

Demolition has begun to make room for the Japanese garden and koi pond.

To our surprise the concrete slabs removed ranged from 5 - 7 inches in thickness.

The areas that were covered with concrete will be replaced with river rocks and Japanese theme stepping stones. I will design and sculpt the prototype stepping stones. I will then fabricate the molds in order to cast enough concrete stepping stones to cover the rear and sides of our home.

Additional retaining walls will be installed to hold back the hill side.

The area where the green dumpster is located is where the koi pond is scheduled to go.

The garden holes is roughly outlining where we intend to excavate.